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Us History Chapter 19 Section 1 Guided Reading Answers

This Bookish IELTS Reading post focuses on solutions toIELTS Cambridge Official Guide to IELTS; Exam 2 Reading Passage 1 which is titled ' The Flavour of Pleasance '. This is a targeted post for IELTS candidates who have large issues finding out and understanding Reading Answers in the AC module. This mail can guide you the best to understand every Reading reply without much problem. Finding out IELTS Reading answers is a steady process, and this post will assist you in this respect.

Cambridge Official Guide to IELTS, Test 2: Air-conditioning Reading Module

Reading Passage 1: Questions 1-13

The headline of the passage: The Flavor of Pleasance

Questions 1-5: Completing sentences with NO More 2 WORDS

In this type of question, candidates are asked to write maximum two words to consummate sentences on the given topic. For this blazon of question, first, skim the passage to find the keywords in the paragraph concerned with the answer, and and then browse to notice the verbal discussion.

[TIPS: Here scanning technique will come in handy. Target the keywords of the questions to observe the answers. Remember to focus on Proper nouns, random Capital letter letters, numbers, special characters of text etc.]

Question no. 1: According to scientists, the term ________ characterises the most critical gene in appreciating flavor.

Keywords for the question: According to scientists, term, characterises, about disquisitional factor, appreciating flavor,

The answer can be institute in lines 4-7 of paragraph no. 1, " . . . .. . The taste, texture, and experience of nutrient are what we tend to focus on, but about important are the slight puffs of air every bit we chew our food – what scientists call retronasal smell."

Here, what scientists phone call = according to scientists, most important are the slight puffs of air =  the most critical factor,

So, the answer is: (retronasal) smell

Question no. two: 'Savoury' is a better-known give-and-take for ________.

Keywords for the question: 'Savoury', better-known word,

In the second paragraph, the outset few lines say, "Certainly, our mouths and tongues have gustatory modality buds, which are receptors for the five basic flavors: sweetness, salty, sour, biting, and umami, or what is more ordinarily referred to as savory .

Here, more commonly referred to = better-known,

So, the answer is: umami

Question no. 3: The tongue was originally developed to recognise the unpleasant gustatory modality of ________.

Keywords for the question: tongue, originally developed, recognise, unpleasant taste,

In the second paragraph, lines iv-8 say, " .. … .. But our tongues are inaccurate instruments as far as flavor is concerned. They evolved to recognise only a few basic tastes in order to quickly identify toxins, which in nature are often quite biting or acidic sour ."

Here, evolved to recognise = originally developed to recognise, often quite bitter or acidic sour = unpleasant taste,

So, the answer is: toxins

Question no. four: Homo nasal cavities recognise _________ much better than external ones.

Keywords for the question: human nasal cavities, recognise, much better, external,

The answer to this question can exist establish in lines 1-7 of paragraph no. 3. The author of the text says hither, "All the complexity, nuance, and pleasure of flavor come from the sense of aroma operating in the dorsum of the nose . Information technology'due south there that a kind of alchemy occurs when we breathe up and out the passing whiffs of our chewed food. Unlike a hound's skull with its extra-long olfactory organ, which evolved specifically to observe external scents , our noses accept evolved to notice internal scents. .. …"

Here, the back of the nose = Human nasal cavities,

external scents = external ones,

discover = recognise,

So, the answer is: internal scents/ smells

Question no. 5: Gordon Shepherd uses the word 'neurogastronomy' to draw together a number of ________ related to the enjoyment of eating.

Keywords for the question: Gordon Shepherd, neurogastronomy, a number of, related to, enjoyment of eating,

In paragraph no. 4, lines 4-10 say, " . . ..  Yale University'southward Gordon Shepherd , begun to shed low-cal on its workings. Shepherd has come up with the term 'neurogastronomy' to link the disciplines of food science, neurology, psychology, and anthropology with the savory elements of eating, one of the most enjoyed of homo experiences ."

Here, has come up with the term 'neurogastronomy' = uses the word 'neurogastronomy',

link = describe together,

the savory elements of eating, one of the nigh enjoyed of human experiences = the enjoyment of eating,

And then, the reply is: disciplines

Questions 6-9: Completing notes

[In this blazon of question, candidates are asked to consummate different notes with NO More than THAN Ii WORDS from the passage. Keywords are of import to find answers correctly. More often than not, this type of question maintains a sequence. However, nosotros should not exist surprised if the sequence is non maintained. Find the keywords in the passage and you are most probable to notice the responds.]

Questions no. 6 & 7:

Confront recognition

patterns of dark and calorie-free are used to put together a 6. ________. the brain identifies faces.

facial recognition is cardinal to our  enjoyment of 7. _________.

Keywords for the question: face recognition, patterns of nighttime and light, used, put together, brain identifies, faces, cardinal, our enjoyment of,

The reply to question no. 6 tin can be plant in paragraph no. 5. Here, in the beginning, the author of the text says, "In many means, he is discovering that smell is rather like face up recognition . The visual arrangement detects patterns of light and dark and, edifice on experience, the encephalon creates a spatial map. It uses this to interpret the interrelationship of the patterns and draw conclusions that allow united states to place people and places. .. ."

Here, The visual organization = facial recognition, creates = put together, identify people = identifies faces,

So, the respond for question no. half-dozen is: spatial map

Again, in paragraph no. half-dozen, the writer says at the opening, "This ability to appreciate specific aromas turns out to exist central to the pleasure we go from food, much every bit our ability to recognise individuals is primal to the pleasures of social life. .. .."

Here, our ability to recognise individuals = facial recognition, central to = key to, pleasures of = enjoyment of,

Then, the respond for question no. vii is: social life

Questions no. eight & ix:


receptors recognise the 8. ________ in nutrient. the encephalon identifies certain 9. _________.

smell is central to our enjoyment of food.

Keywords for the question: smell, receptors recognise, in food, encephalon, identifies, certain, primal to, our enjoyment, food,

In paragraph no. five, the author of the text says in lines 7-10, " . .. . . In the same way, nosotros use patterns and ratios to notice both new and familiar flavors. As we eat, specialised receptors in the dorsum of the nose detect the air molecules in our meals . . .. ."

Here, notice = recognise, our meals = food,

So, the respond to question no. 8 is: (air) molecules

Again, In paragraph no. 5, the author of the text says in lines ten-14, " . . .. … From signals sent past the receptors, the brain understands smells every bit circuitous spatial patterns. Using these, also as input from the other senses, it constructs the idea of specific flavors."

Here, it constructs the idea = the encephalon identifies, specific = certain,

So, the reply to question no. viii is: flavours/ flavors

Questions 10-thirteen: Short answer to open questions (NO MORE THAN One WORD)

[In this kind of question candidates accept to answer some questions, only with some conditions similar NO More than THREE/2 WORDS and/or A NUMBER or, ONE WORD Just. Each question has keywords that volition lead to the respond. This question type generally follows a sequence.]

Question no. ten: In what form does the encephalon store 'odor objects'?

Keywords for the question: what grade, brain, shop, 'odour objects',

In paragraph no. viii, the writer says in lines 5-8, " . .. .. Odour stimuli class what Shepherd terms 'odor objects' stored every bit 'memories', and these have a direct link with our emotions. . . ."

Here, stored as = store, as = form,

And then, the answer is: memories

Question no. eleven: When seeing was difficult, what did we apply our sense of smell to discover?

Keywords for the question: seeing, was difficult, nosotros use, our sense of smell, to find,

In lines eleven-fourteen of paragraph no. viii, the author of the text mentions, " . . .  Get back in history and this was function of our survival repertoire; similar most animals, we drew on our sense of odour, when visual information was deficient , to single out prey."

Here, when visual information was scarce = when seeing was hard, to unmarried out = to observe,

Then, the answer is: prey

Question no. 12: Which nutrient item illustrates how flavour and positive emotion are linked?

Keywords for the question: which food item, illustrates, how, flavour, positive emotion, linked,

For this question, we need to become to paragraph no. ix. At the terminate of the paragraph, the author says, " .. . .  Consider the response to the sharpness of a lemon and compare that with the face that is welcoming the smooth wonder of chocolate."

Here, the confront that is welcoming the smooth wonder = positive emotion,

And then, the respond is: chocolate

Question no. 13: What could exist controlled in the future through flavour manipulation?

Keywords for the question: what, could be controlled, hereafter, flavour manipulation,

The final lines of the final paragraph (paragraph no. x) say, " . .. . On the horizon we have the positive awarding of neurogastronomy; manipulating flavour to curb our appetites."

Here, manipulating flavor = flavor manipulation, to curb = could exist controlled,

So, the respond is: appetites

Click here for solutions to Cambridge IELTS Official Examination 2 Reading Passage 2

Click here for solutions to Cambridge IELTS Official Test 2 Reading Passage 3
